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Past Chairman’s Award Winners

The Chairman’s Award

Presented by Show Chairman, Keith Player
This award is given in appreciation of dedication and time given to Hawkesbury Show, over a good number of years.

Past Recipients of the Chairman’s Award

2024Find out who will be this year’s recipient, at prize giving in the marquee at 5.15pm on Showday.
2023Sally and John Bleaken
Sally has been a long standing supporter of Hawkesbury Show. Some of her earliest memories were of sitting on a wall, with other village children, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the fairground rides and the excitement that this event caused. Sally has spent many years as the Vice-chair of the Show Committee and her local knowledge has been a huge asset. She is steadfast in her dedication to keep the Show an affordable, community event with activities and entertainment for all. The award was to thank both Sally and John for the amazing work they do each year, building and stocking the bar in the beer tent, organising the rota of volunteers, booking the evening entertainment and then dismantling and packing the bar away for another year. 
2022Karen and Drew Morgan
Karen took on the role of Entries Secretary (before the era of computers) and was a valued vice-chair of the Show Committee. Drew both provided the pigs for the hog roast, and organised his team on Showday.
2021Mr Nick Cragg
Nick oversees the end-of-Show auction of donated entries from the marquee. Nick gives his time for free.
2021Audrey Cole
Three generations of the Cole family are involved in making Showday happen, running the bar, organising the hog roast, driving tractors, storing and transporting Show equipment.
2020Show postponed – no award
2019Michael Stinchcombe
Michael is the organiser of the Entry Gates and the volunteers who marshal them. Michael has contributed many useful and innovative ideas to improve the Show over the years.
2018Brian Noble
Brian was a long term committee member, regular helper on the bar on Showday and also wrote informative and encouraging articles for Hawkesbury Parish News about how to grow flowers and vegetables in even the smallest garden. Regular winner of the dahlia classes.
2017The Gardener family
The Gardeners are long time supporters of the Show, the family take on the task of putting up street bunting the week before Showday. Martin Gardner has been the Show compere for many years.
2016Mr Brian Cox
Brian has been a very supportive Show committee member for many years, and who is an invaluable help in the week leading up to Showday and particularly on Showday morning. Last year, Brian donated a new tug-of-war rope, to replace the well-used but worn existing rope.
2015Mr David Harris
David has exhibited horticultural produce of a high standard for decades, winning numerous trophies, as well as being a member of the Show committee for many of those years.