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Privacy Policy

1. Introduction

The Hawkesbury Horticultural Show respects your right to privacy. We ask that you read this Privacy Policy carefully as it contains important information about what to expect when we collect personal information about you and how we will use your personal data.
This policy applies to information we collect about Members, Volunteers, Stallholders, Exhibitors, Competitors etc, as well as people who we do business with and supply services to us

2. The information we collect about you

Typically we collect some or all of the following personal information from you:

• Name, Postal address, email address and telephone number
• Date of birth for some competitors under the age of 16.

3. How we use this information

We gather this information to ensure that you are in the right age group for the award, comply with statutory and / or regulatory obligations and provide the contracted service.

4. Lawful basis for proceeding

By submitting your personal data you agree that we hold this for ‘legitimate interest’ to use that information as set out in this policy.

5. Who we share your information with

We will not share your information with anyone but statutory bodies

6. How we protect your information

Information is stored on a database on a password protected PC.

7. Access to your information

You have the right to request a copy of the information that we hold about you. You simply send an email request to the Booking Secretary.

We want to ensure that your personal information is accurate and up to date. If any of the information that you have provided to us changes, for example, if you change your email address or name, please let us know the correct details by sending an email the Booking Secretary. You may ask us, or we may ask you, to correct information you or we think is
inaccurate, and you may also ask us to remove information which is inaccurate.

8. Data Retention

We will retain your personal data only for as long as we require it, or a maximum of 7 years.

9. Photography and filming policy

Photographs and/or video footage of the carnival procession and events in the Showground may be taken during Showday. Such material might be used for publicity and advertising. Images of individuals involved in the events on Showday, including children, may be intentionally or unintentionally recorded. Hawkesbury Show Committee will use all reasonable endeavours to prevent the capture of and use of such images if a participant expressly refuses permission for their image or images of their children to be captured and used.